挠痒痒到底有多爽,如何科学测量?研究5岁孩子每天的唾液分泌总量?研究袋熊如何排出方形粪便及原因?研究哪个国家的纸币更容易传播病菌?研究一种婴儿自动换尿布机器...研究发现吃披萨有助于预防疾病、降低死亡风险,但前提是要在意大利境内食用在意大利制作的披萨!研究发现嘴里叼着笔微笑,会让人更加快乐,然而事实并非如此。......没错,这些研究都是来“搞笑”的。日前,第29届搞笑诺贝尔奖(Ig Nobel Prize)颁奖典礼在美国哈佛大学(Harvard University)举行。以上研究都是今年获奖得主的项目。And the award for the strangest, most unusual, and downright hilarious scientific research goes to...Pizza might protect against cancer, why wombats poop in cubes and a diaper changing machine that can be used on human babies -- these are just some of the research and inventions awarded at this year's Ig Nobel Prizes, a spoof of the actual Nobel Prize awards.
wombat /ˈwɒmbæt/ 表示“袋熊〔产于澳大利亚〕”,英文解释为“an Australian animal like a small bear whose babies live in a pocket of skin on its body”。
poop这个词在比尔·盖茨在演讲中举起一杯“粪便”一文中就接触过,poo/ poop均表示“屎,大便”,英文解释为“solid waste from the body”;一说poo是英式,poop是美式,比较不正式,口语上更常用;而柯林斯英汉双解大词典解释称poo是儿童用语“大便;臭臭”(Poo is a child's word for faeces.)
Ted, did you poop in your pants?
比如poop out可以表示“筋疲力尽”,英文解释为:to become too tired to continue what you are doing. 举个🌰:
I just poop out if I stay up too late.
还可以指机器或者设备“停止工作,停止运行,熄火”,英文解释为:to stop working or operating. 举个🌰:
The engine pooped out before we reached our destination.
当然,更奇怪的是在old-fashioned slang中,作为名词的poop还可以表示“信息; 事实”(information),感受下这个🌰:
Did you get the poop on all the candidates?
表示“(对电影、电视节目等的)滑稽模仿”,英文解释为“a humorous copy of a film/movie, television programme, etc. that exaggerates its main features”举个🌰:
It's a spoof on horror movies.
The Ig Nobels are "intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology," according to its website.
表示“鞭策;激励;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“to encourage sb to do sth or to encourage them to try harder to achieve sth”举个🌰:
Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed.
Even if the science does sound, well, hilarious.
Organized by the magazine Annals of Improbable Research, the awards have been going on for 29 years, always celebrated in September with a gala held at Harvard University. Winners accept their prizes from "genuinely bemused genuine Nobel Laureates," the website reads.
表示“极其滑稽的”,英文解释为“extremely funny”,如:a hilarious joke/story 令人捧腹的笑话/故事。
表示“茫然的;困惑不解的”,英文解释为“If you are bemused, you are puzzled or confused.”举个🌰:
He was rather bemused by children.
The winners are always sure to cause a few laughs, and this year's are no different.
Two scientists from France won the Anatomy Prize for measuring scrotal temperature asymmetry in naked and clothed postmen in France, for example (the left one is warmer, but only when the postman is clothed).
1)表示“解剖学”,英文解释为“the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies”。
2)表示“(人体的)解剖构造”,英文解释为“the structure of a body, or of a part of a body”。
scrotal /'skrəutəl/ 形容词,表示“阴囊的”;名词:scrotum /ˈskrəʊtəm/ 阴囊,英文解释为“in most male mammals, a bag of skin near the penis that contains the testicles”,复数形式:scrotums或scrota.
解剖学奖:测量了穿了衣服和未穿衣服的法国邮递员两侧阴囊温度的不对称性Another team won the Economics Prize for testing which country's paper money was the grossest, or "best at transmitting dangerous bacteria" (the Romanian Leu won, but the US Dollar was a finalist).
表示“恶心的,令人讨厌的,令人厌恶的”,英文解释为“very unpleasant to look at or think about”。
A third team won the Peace Prize for trying to measure the pleasure of scratching an itch (itching in the ankle and back is way more pleasurable, they discovered).
表示“痒”,英文解释为“an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails”举个🌰:
Scratch my back – I have an itch.
作名词还可以指“强烈愿望,渴望”(a strong desire to do or have something),如:an itch for adventure 想要探险的强烈愿望。
There are more, and they're all real studies.
Though some may sound ridiculous, the magazine holds that they're not trying to make fun of science or its achievements.
"We are honoring achievements that make people laugh, then think. Good achievements can also be odd, funny, and even absurd; So can bad achievements. A lot of good science gets attacked because of its absurdity. A lot of bad science gets revered despite its absurdity," the magazine states on their website.
Hey, we'll take anything that encourages us to eat more pizza.Biology Prize: Cockroach Magnets- END -